Foundation Programme: Practice activities

The main focus of the Foundation Programme (FP) is on in-practice training and experiential learning in the workplace. This provides FP pharmacists with the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and experience in three core patient-facing areas (dispensary services, medicines optimisation (MO) and evidence based practice (EBP)), plus one additional optional area relevant to their area of practice (technical services - hospital, or public health - community / primary care). As part of their in-practice training, FP pharmacists will undertake practice activities to help them to develop and demonstrate their competence in each practice area. See below for general and practice area-specific forms and information. NB no patient-identifiable information must be included, to comply with GDPR.

Dispensary practice activities Forms

In-house checks

  • Your PS should write a testimonial confirming that you have successfully completed your in-house training workbook for final accuracy and clinical checks (as a qualified pharmacist).

Internal audit

  • You should write a reflective record of an internal audit (against medicines code or an SOP) you have participated in.
Reflective record

SOP review

  • Your PS should write a testimonial confirming that you have successfully reviewed and updated a dispensary SOP.

Dispensary ‘project’

  • Your PS should write a testimonial confirming that you have taken responsibility for a dispensary area / project (eg CD destruction).

Time management & prioritisation

  • You should act as the ‘responsible pharmacist’ (or equivalent) for 1 week, managing the workflow in the dispensary. You should document your experiences in a weekly diary.
  • The Lead Pharmacy Technician in the dispensary should also complete a testimonial.
Dispensary services weekly diary


Intervention records / medication incidents

  • A minimum of 20.
  • You should include a description of the scenario, the intervention and the outcome.
  • You should follow up one intervention at a dispensary / team meeting.
Record of interventions


  • A minimum of 10 hours.
  • You should indicate the CPD activities you have undertaken to develop relevant underpinning knowledge in the dispensary.
Record of CPD undertaken

Peer assessment

  • Your ES or PS should complete a professional practice testimonial when you have completed this practice area.
Professional practice testimonial

Other forms of evidence (e.g. testimonials, reflective records, CPD cycles) should be used for any competencies and behavioural statements that are not covered by the practice activities.

Medicines optimisation practice activities Forms

Accompanied ward visits

Your PS should carry out 5 accompanied ward visits with you (minimum one surgical and one medical ward) and complete an accompanied ward visit assessment form.

(NB completion of the Regional Clinical Pharmacy Induction manual counts as one accompanied ward visit - please upload your Clinical Induction Passport)

Accompanied ward visit assessment form

Pharmaceutical care plans

You should document 8 pharmaceutical care plans (PCPs) - refer to the FP PCP narrated lecture, the guidance notes on completing a PCP and Care Issue example. Each PCP should be assessed by an appropriate PS using a PCP assessment form. You should reflect on 4 PCPs using a PCP reflection form and discuss your reflections with your ES as a case-based discussion. (NB one of your PCP/reflections can be on a cancer or PN patient you have managed in technical services).

Hospital PCP

Guidance on completing a PCP

Care issues example

PCP assessment form

PCP reflection form

Oral case presentation

You should do 1 case presentation - refer to the case presentation checklist for guidance - which is assessed by your PS using a case presentation assessment form.

Case presentation checklist

Case presentation assessment form

Significant intervention records

A minimum of 20 - refer to intervention ranking scale for details of grades.

You should include a description of the scenario, the intervention and the outcome.

Record of interventions

Hospital Intervention Ranking Scale


A minimum of 10 hours.

You should indicate the CPD activities you have undertaken to develop underpinning knowledge in medicines optimisation.

Record of CPD undertaken

Peer assessment

Your ES or PS should complete a professional practice testimonial when you have completed this practice area.

Professional practice testimonial

Other forms of evidence (e.g. testimonials, reflective records, CPD cycles) should be used for any competencies and behavioural statements that are not covered by the practice activities.

Evidence Based Practice practice activities Forms

Completion of MLP

Your PS should confirm that you have satisfactorily completed this practice activity in a testimonial (or certificate of completion).


MI queries answered satisfactorily

You should answer a minimum of 20 clinical/medicines advice queries satisfactorily, ideally using MiDatabank (electronic enquiry answering database in an MI centre) OR clinical queries/medicines advice can be recorded using an MI query recording form.

MI query recording form

Risk assessment report, or a critical incident reflective record

You either should write a report to review how a medication-related Patient Safety Alert (or similar) has been implemented in your workplace OR a critical incident reflective record on how a medication incident was handled (using root cause analysis methodology).

Critical incident reflective record

Procurement activity reflective record

You should write a reflective record on a procurement activity that you have been involved in.

Procurement activity reflective record

Audit presentation

You should do an audit presentation - refer to the audit presentation checklist for guidance - which is assessed by your PS using an audit presentation assessment form.

Audit presentation checklist

Audit presentation assessment form

Staff training activity

You should conduct a training activity for an individual staff member or a group of staff and document your experiences on a staff training activity reflective record.

Staff training activity reflective record


A minimum of 10 hours.

You should indicate the CPD activities you have undertaken to develop underpinning knowledge in evidence based practice.

Record of CPD undertaken

Peer assessment

Your ES or PS should complete a professional practice testimonial when you have completed this practice area.

Professional practice testimonial

Other forms of evidence (e.g. testimonials, reflective records, CPD cycles) should be used for any competencies and behavioural statements that are not covered by the practice activities.

Technical Services practice activities Forms

Introduction of a new product

You should write a reflective record on a new product you have helped to introduce (following the process from start to finish).

Reflective record

Cancer clinic / nutrition ward round

You should attend a cancer clinic or nutrition ward round, and document your experiences on a clinic /ward round reflective record.

Clinic/ward round reflective record

Pharmaceutical care plan

You should document a pharmaceutical care plan (PCP) on a cancer or PN patient you have managed. Your PCP should be assessed by an appropriate PS using a PCP assessment form. You should reflect on your PCP and assessment, and then discuss the case with your ES.

Pharmaceutical care plan

PCP assessment form

PCP reflection form

Weekly diary

You should document your technical services experiences in a weekly diary.

Technical services weekly diary

Pharmaceutical Quality Systems (PQS) activity

You should write a reflective record on a PQS activity you have participated in (eg internal audit against Quality Assurance of Aseptic Preparation Standards (QAAPS), review of internal errors, change control, validation).

Reflective record


A minimum of 10 hours.

You should indicate the CPD activities you have undertaken to develop underpinning knowledge in technical services.

Record of CPD undertaken

Peer assessment

Your ES or PS should complete a professional practice testimonial when you have completed this practice area.

Professional practice testimonial

Other forms of evidence (e.g. testimonials, reflective records, CPD cycles) should be used for any competencies and behavioural statements that are not covered by the practice activities.

Public Health practice activities Forms

Behavioural change patient case study

You should document a case study on a patient you have supported and followed up in the behavioural change process - refer to behavioural change case study checklist for guidance - which is assessed by your PS using a behavioural change case study assessment form.

Behavioural change case study checklist

Behavioural change case study assessment form

Practical public health activity report

You should write a reflective record on a practical public health activity or campaign that you have been involved in.

Public health campaign reflective record

Brief intervention

You should write a reflective record on a brief intervention you have conducted.

Brief intervention reflective record


A minimum of 10 hours.

You should indicate the CPD activities you have undertaken to develop underpinning knowledge in public health.

Professional practice testimonial

Peer assessment

Your ES or PS should complete a professional practice testimonial when you have completed this practice area.

Professional practice testimonial

Other forms of evidence (e.g. testimonials, reflective records, CPD cycles) should be used for any competencies and behavioural statements that are not covered by the practice activities.

Last updated: 7th August 2018