Each FP pharmacist has an Educational Supervisor (ES)/mentor to provide support and advice during their in-practice training.
The ES / mentor must be a pharmacist with a minimum of 3 years' post-registration experience in pharmacy. They must have completed the NICPLD 'Effective mentoring' online course prior to mentoring an FP pharmacist:
View the Effective mentoring course
The ES/mentor's role is summarised in the checklist for Educational Supervisors:
Download checklist for Educational Supervisors
A new role for ES/mentors is to discuss 4 of their FP pharmacist’s Pharmaceutical Care Plans (PCPs) and PCP reflections with them as case-based discussions. The Case-based discussion (CbD) video provides an example of how a CbD could be conducted:
View the Case-based discussion video.
Educational Supervisors may find it helpful to have a learning contract with their FP pharmacist.
The ES will carry out a formative assessment when the FP pharmacist starts in a practice area to aid their development. They will help the FP pharmacist to assess their competency status using the competencies and behavioural statements in the ePortfolio, and will help the FP pharmacist to identify their learning needs and develop a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for the practice area. They will monitor the FP pharmacist's progress in this area, and will carry out a summative assessment at the end to check that the FP pharmacist has demonstrated the standard expected, and provided at least one piece of supporting evidence for all the competencies and behavioural statements in the ePortfolio.
Download FP portfolio supervisor guide
ES/mentors may find it useful to keep a record of the meetings they have with their FP pharmacists:
They may want to ask the FP pharmacist to complete a progress report prior to the meeting:
Workplace ES/mentors may be aided by local Practice Supervisors/trainers who are specialists in the practice area.
Last updated: 21st August 2018