Open learning

Antibacterial agents


2 hours


To familiarise healthcare professionals with the antibacterial agents commonly encountered in clinical practice.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • describe the differences between human (eukaryotic) cells and bacterial (prokaryotic) cells that can be exploited by antibacterial agents
  • list the main bacterial cell sites on which antibacterial agents exert their bactericidal or bacteriostatic effects
  • define minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bacterial concentration – the measures of antibacterial susceptibility
  • summarise the main issues for each class of commonly encountered antibacterial agent.
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Common infections


2021 Updated August 2023
3 hours


To enable healthcare professionals to diagnose and manage common infections.

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • detail the diagnosis and management of urinary tract infections in different patient groups
  • explain the antibiotic prescribing strategy for respiratory tract infections
  • detail the management of acute bronchitis in different patient groups
  • describe the management of community-acquired pneumonia and hospital-acquired pneumonia
  • discuss the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations, sore throats, sinusitis and bronchiecstasis
  • recognise common skin and soft tissue infections and know the first- and second-line antibiotics to treat these
  • list the risk factors and symptoms associated with sepsis and appreciate the severity of the condition
  • detail the recommendations for preventing infections in asplenic patients
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Drug selection


3 hours


To know the range of factors that must be considered when selecting an antimicrobial agent

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • list the indicators of an infection
  • consider whether a patient with an infection requires treatment with an antimicrobial agent
  • recognise when empirical or targeted antimicrobial therapy should be chosen
  • describe the impact that the site of infection has on choosing antimicrobials
  • discuss the patient factors that should be considered when choosing an appropriate antimicrobial agent
  • explain the issues associated with topical, parenteral and oral administration of antimicrobials
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Other agents


3 hours


To familiarise healthcare professionals with the actions and use of commonly encountered antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal agents.

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • describe the actions of antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal agents
  • differentiate between the main classes of antifungal agents, indicating how each should be used appropriately
  • list the commonly used antiviral agents, their dosage form and indications for use
  • detail common antiprotozoal drugs and the protozoa they are active against.
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3 hours


To enable healthcare professionals to understand the impact of antimicrobial resistance and to assist with halting the spread of resistance and Clostriodes difficile.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this workshop you should be able to:
  • define antimicrobial resistance
  • discuss Clostriodes difficile (C. diff) and the associated problems
  • explain Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) risk factors, diagnosis and treatment
  • describe what MRSA screening and decolonisation entails
  • detail the problems with extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) and resistant enterococci
  • list strategies to halt the spread of C. diff and antimicrobial resistance.
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Sepsis Awareness


2 hours


To provide an overview of sepsis, thus enabling pharmacists to identify patients presenting with symptoms in the community and to refer them appropriately.

Learning outcomes

Having viewed this recorded lecture, you will be able to:
  • Define sepsis and understand its pathophysiology
  • Identify individuals who are at higher risk of developing sepsis from an infection
  • Describe the symptoms indicative of sepsis in both adults and children
  • Acknowledge the importance of early recognition and know what is appropriate escalation of care
  • Understand how the condition is managed in practice
  • Appreciate the long-term complications associated with sepsis
  • Support patients suffering from post-sepsis syndrome
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2 hours

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To enable pharmacists to adhere to the principles of antimicrobial stewardship and to successfully promote it.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this workshop you should be able to:
  • define antimicrobial stewardship
  • discuss the UK’s five-year national action plan (Tackling antimicrobial resistance 2019-2024)
  • explain the components of an antimicrobial stewardship programme
  • describe antimicrobial stewardship toolkits that are available for use in primary and secondary care
  • appreciate the role of the patient in antimicrobial stewardship
  • detail successful antimicrobial stewardship interventions to date.
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acute coronary syndromes

Cardiovascular disease

2017 Updated October 2022
4 hours

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To provide an overview of the management of acute coronary syndromes, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to manage patients with this condition.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course your should be able to:
  • differentiate between a STEMI, NSTEMI and unstable angina
  • identify the risk factors for each condition
  • provide advice on managing these risk factors
  • outline best practice for acute in-hospital management
  • describe the evidence-based treatment of ACS
  • evaluate the need for secondary prevention medication and the evidence base to support individual choices for individual patients
  • define the role of cardiac rehabilitation and the role of the primary care team in patient education and support post-acute MI.
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Cardiovascular disease

2015 Updated October 2021
8 hours

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To equip learners with the knowledge to deliver a safe and supportive service to patients prescribed anticoagulants.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to:
  • state the indications for anticoagulant therapy
  • describe the mode of action of the oral and parenteral anticoagulants that are currently available
  • advise on the importance of regular INR monitoring for vitamin-k antagonists
  • identify and resolve common medicines management issues in anticoagulated patients
  • follow best practice guidance to improve safe use of anticoagulants
  • promote safe use of anticoagulants in pregnant women
  • provide accurate information to patients, their carers and healthcare professionals regarding the safe and appropriate use of anticoagulants.
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atrial fibrillation

Cardiovascular disease

2015 Updated September 2022
8 hours

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To enable you to provide evidence-based information to patients in primary care who have a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF).

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • define AF, discuss its prevalence and describe the symptoms and complications of AF
  • outline the management objectives of AF
  • discuss drugs used in rate and rhythm control strategies
  • detail the treatment of permanent, persistent and paroxysmal AF
  • outline the choice of antithrombotic therapy in AF, including special considerations when prescribing.
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cardiovascular risk

Cardiovascular disease

2016 Updated October 2019
6 hours

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To promote effective management of hypertension and dyslipidaemia, thereby assisting patients to reduce their risk of CVD.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
    •define CVD, disease burden and public health policy in Northern Ireland
  • promote the role of the pharmacists in identifying and assessing CV risk factors
  • use evidence-based guidelines and resources to conduct medication reviews and optimise treatment of hypertension and dyslipidaemia
  • educate patients about CVD prevention, self-management and lifestyle strategies
  • provide accurate and safe information to patients and healthcare professionals on the drug management of CV risk factors
  • encourage and facilitate patient adherence to medicines
  • prevent or resolve problems that patients experience with medicines.
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heart failure

Cardiovascular disease

2016 Updated August 2022
3 hours


To provide an overview of the management of chronic heart failure, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this section you should be able to:
  • identify the risk factors for developing chronic heart failure
  • classify heart failure according to disease severity
  • recognise the symptoms of disease progression
  • describe best practice guidance in relation to both the pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of the condition
  • provide advice to patients with heart failure on lifestyle changes that may alleviate symptoms
  • list the palliative care needs of patients with end-stage heart failure
  • identify your role in the management of this patient group.
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stable angina

Cardiovascular disease

2016 Updated September 2022
3 hours


To provide an overview of the management of stable angina, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • describe the factors involved in the diagnosis of stable angina
  • identify the risk factors associated with increased mortality in patients with stable angina
  • adopt an evidence-based approach to the management of stable angina
  • make recommendations for second line treatment if first-line therapy is unsuitable or cannot be tolerated
  • understand the role of novel medication for patients with stable angina.
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Working in a clinical environment

Clinical practice

2018 Updated November 2018
6 hours


To equip pharmacy professionals with an understanding of a clinical environment and the roles within this environment.

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • describe medicines management
  • understand medicines governance and be able to report errors
  • understand the importance of policies and procedures within your Trust
  • develop your communication and interpersonal skills
  • understand pharmacy roles in the clinical environment
  • be aware of the patient journey
  • use problem-solving skills
  • interact with other healthcare professionals
  • know your professional responsibilities
  • reflect on practice and use such reflections to further self-development.
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Effective mentoring

Developing others

3 hours


To provide individuals with the tools to mentor effectively.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to:
  • explain what mentoring is
  • understand the benefits of mentoring
  • define the different roles that mentors may perform within the workplace
  • identify the skills required to become an effective mentor
  • recognise the stages in the mentoring relationship
  • conduct effective mentoring meetings in order to get the most out of the mentoring relationship
  • effectively mentor an individual in your workplace.
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Effective Workplace Training

Developing others

3 hours


To equip individuals with the knowledge required to provide effective workplace training.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to:
  • explain the key features of training
  • discuss experiential learning and the learning cycle
  • describe the 4 main learning styles
  • consider the influence of preferred learning modes and personality types on how individuals learn
  • identify the knowledge and skills that are needed by the trainee(s)
  • conduct effective training to meet the needs of the trainee(s) and provide the trainee(s) with constructive feedback
  • assess the performance of trainees using an evidence-based approach
  • identify and resolve problems with training materials, methods and facilities.
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The role of a DPP

Developing others

2020 Updated August 2024
2 hours


To provide a Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) with an overview of the Pharmacist Independent Prescribing programme and their role in mentoring a pharmacist.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • outline the role of a pharmacist independent prescriber
  • describe the structure and purpose of the period of learning in practice
  • list the learning outcomes of the Pharmacist Independent Prescribing course
  • outline your role as a DPP
  • explain what mentoring is
  • understand the benefits of mentoring
  • identify the skills required to become an effective mentor
  • recognise the stages in the mentoring relationship
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Classification and diagnosis


1 hours


To provide a general overview of the condition, diabetes mellitus.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • classify diabetes mellitus into its four distinct types according to aetiology
  • provide estimates for the increasing prevalence of the disease by geographical location
  • list the signs and symptoms of diabetes and the criteria for its diagnosis
  • state the acute and long-term complications of diabetes
  • describe the key objectives for the organisation of diabetic services.
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Diabetes in pregnancy


1 hours


To understand the impact of diabetes in pregnancy and appropriate management strategies.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • list the main risks to mother and baby of diabetes in pregnancy
  • describe the key health promotion issues to minimise the risk factors during pregnancy
  • propose changes to treatment, where appropriate, for women with diabetes who are pregnant to ensure optimal control
  • provide guidance on the management of gestational diabetes.
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Diabetic emergencies


2 hours


To be able to recognise and appropriately manage a diabetic emergency.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • list the acute complications of diabetes
  • describe the symptoms associated with hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis and the hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
  • make recommendations for how each type of emergency should be managed
  • provide advice to patients on the course of action they should adopt when they are unwell.
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Glycaemic and metabolic monitoring


1 hours


To be able to effectively monitor control of the condition for those with diabetes.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • provide advice to patients on testing of blood glucose
  • make recommendations for glycaemic control based on the results of glycated haemoglobin testing
  • recognise the pivotal role of patient education in empowering people with diabetes to better manage their condition
  • list management targets for metabolic control to include the surveillance approaches for the early detection of diabetes complications (blood glucose, blood pressure and blood lipids).
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Long term complications


4 hours


To prevent the development of long-term complications of diabetes or manage them should they occur.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • describe the microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes
  • list the risk factors for developing microvascular and macrovascular complications
  • describe how the management of risk factors can reduce the likelihood of diabetic patients developing these complications
  • outline current guidelines for the treatment of hypertension and dyslipidaemia in patients with diabetes.
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Managing Type 1 diabetes


4 hours


To be able to effectively assist patients with type 1 diabetes in managing their blood glucose.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • outline the metabolic effects of insulin
  • describe the differences between the main types of insulin
  • discuss the various treatment regimens
  • provide practical advice to patients on injection devices
  • critically evaluate the evidence-base for tight glycaemic control as a means to preventing complications
  • promote the safer use of insulin.
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Managing Type 2 diabetes


2 hours


To be able to effectively assist patients with type 2 diabetes in managing their blood glucose.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • Update on the drugs used to manage Type 2 diabetes, including SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists
  • Inclusion of the new NICE algorithms for initiating anti-diabetic medications ( for patients with and without CV disease)
  • The earlier use of SGLT2 inhibitors in treatment, due to renal and cardiovascular protection
  • Additions to the SADMAN criteria for SICK DAY rules and evidence from early Diabetes Remission trials and clinics
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Risk factors and prevention


1 hours


To understand the risk factors for diabetes and the likelihood of developing the condition.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • identify the main modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for developing diabetes
  • state the evidence base that supports healthy lifestyle interventions as a means of preventing type 2 diabetes
  • outline healthy lifestyle choices for people with diabetes and those at risk of developing diabetes.
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Part 1 - Introduction to equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

2 hours


To increase awareness of EDI principles, as well as anti-discrimination and human rights legislation relevant to Northern Ireland, to help pharmacists, pharmacy trainees and pharmacy technicians consider how to provide culturally inclusive and patient-centred care.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • define equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and its significance
  • outline the anti-discrimination legislation specific to Northern Ireland
  • discuss the roles and responsibilities of organisations and healthcare professionals in Northern Ireland in promoting equality of opportunity and good relations
  • identify what constitutes discrimination, understand implicit vs explicit bias and recognise the importance of avoiding stereotypes
  • appreciate the significance of human rights legislation in healthcare delivery
  • understand disability equality in Northern Ireland, including relevant legislation and the duty to make reasonable adjustments.
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Part 2 - Cultural competence and avoiding microaggressions

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

1 hours


To increase awareness about effectively engaging and communicating with individuals from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • describe the term cultural competence and its significance the provision of healthcare, working with colleagues and supervising trainees
  • understand what a microaggression is and how to effectively respond to and challenge when you witness a microaggression
  • outline the steps to effectively support someone who has experienced a microaggression
  • appreciate the importance of using inclusive language when communicating with others
  • describe how to respond if you have inadvertently made a mistake with language.
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Part 3 - Neurodivergence awareness

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

2 hours


To raise awareness and improve understanding of neurodivergence among pharmacists, technicians, trainees and educational supervisors and to enable them to create inclusive and supportive environments, reduce stigma and promote acceptance of neurodivergence within pharmacy healthcare, workplaces and training settings.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • understand the term neurodivergence and neurodiversity and recognise key characteristics of dyslexia, ADHD, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and autism
  • discuss the impact of neurodivergent conditions in the workplace and training environments
  • describe a range of common adjustments to accommodate neurodivergent employees and trainees
  • use inclusive and respectful language and avoid neurodivergent microaggressions
  • explain common strategies for creating an inclusive workplace and training cultures that value neurodivergence
  • discuss common approaches to reduce stigma around neurodivergent conditions, such as autism.
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Part 4 - LGBTQIA+ and gender identity awareness

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

1 hours


To enhance awareness and understanding of gender identity and LGBTQIA+ issues among pharmacists, supervisors, trainees, and technicians, empowering them to foster inclusive and supportive environments, reduce stigma and encourage acceptance within workplace and training settings.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to:
  • recognise the impact of discrimination on LGBTQIA+ and gender-diverse people
  • understand the terminology associated with LGBTQIA+ and gender identity
  • identify practices that help create LGBTQIA+ friendly environments and acceptance of different gender identities in healthcare, workplace and training environments
  • apply inclusive language to create a welcoming workplace and training environment.
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colorectal carcinoma

Gastrointestinal disease

2013 Updated June 2022
3 hours


To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for people with colorectal cancer.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • report the incidence of and morality and survival rates associated with colorectal cancer
  • describe the pathology of the condition
  • list the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors
  • recognise the signs and symptoms
  • outline the main diagnostic investigations used
  • describe the method of staging tumours
  • discuss the various treatment regimens
  • recognise the role of the multi-disciplinary team in the management of colorectal cancer
  • explain when screening is appropriate.
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diverticular disease

Gastrointestinal disease

2013 Updated September 2024
2 hours


To enable healthcare professionals to understand what a diagnosis of diverticular disease entails for the patient.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • describe the pathophysiology of diverticular disease
  • recognise similar conditions to exclude
  • explain how a diagnosis is made
  • list the complications associated with this condition
  • discuss the available treatment options
  • provide advice on lifestyle and dietary changes that may prevent symptomatic disease from developing.
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Gastrointestinal disease

2016 Updated September 2022
8 hours


To examine the symptoms and causes presenting as dyspepsia, emphasising a cost-effective and evidence-based approach to treatment and using prescribed and non-prescription medication to ensure optimal outcomes.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course, you should be able to: define dyspepsia and its variants
  • describe the symptoms associated with dyspepsia
  • develop a structured approach to managing dyspepsia in primary care
  • specify the alarm features that would prompt you to refer the patient for further investigation
  • assess patients taking NSAIDs for their risk of upper GI toxicity and requirement for GI protection
  • discuss methods available to diagnose dyspepsia and test for Helicobacter pylori.
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functional bowel disorders

Gastrointestinal disease

2013 Updated October 2024
2 hours


To recognise disorders that are manifested by alteration in normal bowel functioning.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • describe the pathophysiology of bowel incontinence, intractable constipation, volvulus and irritable bowel syndrome
  • identify the signs and symptoms of each of these conditions
  • make recommendations for the medical management of each condition
  • critically evaluate the efficacy of interventions and medical management of functional bowel disorders.
  • Signpost patients to credible sources of information and support.
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inflammatory bowel disease

Gastrointestinal disease

4 hours


To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this module you should be able to:
  • describe the pathophysiology of the inflammatory bowel diseases
  • identify the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  • make recommendations for the medical management of each condition
  • critically evaluate the efficacy of interventions and medical management.
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Gastrointestinal disease

6 hours


To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients with stomas.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • explain the role of stoma formation in the management of lower gastro-intestinal disease
  • describe the surgical procedures involved to form the different types of stoma
  • detail the various types of appliances and accessories available to patients with stomas
  • recognise the problems associated with stoma formation
  • provide practical advice to enable people with stomas to have minimal disruption to their day-to-day lives.
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Electrolytes, liver and kidney function tests

Laboratory tests

2019 Updated June 2022
8 hours


To provide an overview of common biochemical, liver and renal function tests used in practice

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • identify normal serum electrolyte levels
  • explain the function of different electrolytes in the body
  • outline possible consequences of abnormal electrolyte levels
  • describe common liver function tests (LFTs)
  • understand commonly used renal function tests.
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Intravenous fluid therapy

Laboratory tests

2019 Updated 2023
3 hours


To provide an overview of the principles of IV fluid therapy, thus equipping pharmacists with the knowledge and skills to review and advise on IV fluid prescribing

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • outline normal daily fluid and electrolyte requirements
  • describe signs and symptoms associated with hypovolaemia
  • list the properties of common IV fluids
  • understand the 5Rs used in fluid management
  • identify possible consequences of fluid mismanagement
  • discuss the pharmacist’s role in fluid therapy
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Iron Studies and Anaemia

Laboratory tests

3 hours


To enable pharmacists to interpret tests pertaining to the red blood cell component of blood and advise on appropriate therapies.

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • explain the signs and symptoms of anaemia
  • describe the laboratory tests used for diagnosing red blood cell (RBC) diseases
  • outline the classification of anaemias into the 3 categories: Microcytic, Normocytic and Macrocytic
  • understand the complexities of Anaemia associated with Inflammation and chronic disease
  • provide appropriate treatment for the different anaemia types
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Controlled drugs - striking a balance


2016 Updated July 2022
8 hours


To review the implications of the Fourth Report of the Shipman Inquiry, focusing specifically on the prescribing, dispensing, safe custody and disposal of controlled drugs.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to:
  • comply with legislation underpinning controlled drugs
  • state changes in the legislative framework for controlled drugs arising from the Fourth Shipman Report
  • review the role and responsibilities of the Accountable Officer in relation to controlled drugs
  • list the non-medical professions who may now prescribe
  • describe best practice with respect to writing of prescriptions, keeping of records and maintaining prescription security for controlled drugs in all areas of practice
  • define procedures for the disposal of returned controlled drugs.
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Data Protection


2018 Updated November 2021
2 hours


To understand and apply the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and associated relevant legislation/guidance on data protection

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • outline the Caldicott principles
  • explain the common terms used in data protection
  • state the principles of the UK GDPR
  • detail the rights individuals have over how their personal data is used
  • describe what is meant by a data breach
  • identify potential areas of security breaches
  • list the actions that should be undertaken in the event of a data breach.
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Falsified Medicines Directive


2019 Updated February 2019
2 hours


To provide an overview of the application of the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) to practice

Learning outcomes

Having completed this programme, you will be able to:
  • Appreciate the need to remove falsified medicines from the supply chain
  • Understand the responsibilities of manufacturers, wholesalers and pharmacies in relation to FMD
  • Identify those products included within the scope of the legislation
  • Revise SOPs to reflect the new supply process, allowing for verification and decommissioning of medicines
  • Maintain a high level of patient safety when supplying medicines
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The responsible pharmacist


2013 Updated January 2023
3 hours


To outline the responsible pharmacist regulations, highlighting the impact of the regulations on professional practice.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to;
  • describe the role of the responsible pharmacist
  • explain the law in relation to the responsibilities of the responsible pharmacist
  • understand the requirements of the professional standards and regulatory guidance for responsible pharmacists
  • access further information and resources to support the implementation of the responsible pharmacist regulations.
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anxiety disorders

Mental health

2015 Updated September 2022
3 hours


To enable you to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to patients with anxiety disorders.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • categorise anxiety disorders
  • describe the prevalence of anxiety
  • list the symptoms of anxiety
  • discuss the various neurotransmitters and physiological mechanisms involved in anxiety
  • use the recommended anxiety guidelines to ensure evidence-based practice
  • detail the main pharmacological and non pharmacological treatments used in the management of anxiety.
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bipolar affective disorder

Mental health

2015 Updated 01/09/2022
3 hours


To enable you to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to those patients diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder, and to know when and where to refer as appropriate.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to: identify and describe the key symptoms of bipolar affective disorder
  • discuss the treatment for the different phases of bipolar affective disorder
  • demonstrate an awareness of the treatment of bipolar affective disorder in pregnancy and refer as appropriate
  • list and advise on key side effects and interactions for the different treatments
  • explain the need for monitoring with long term treatment.

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    Mental health

    10 hours


    To enable healthcare professionals to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to those patients prescribed clozapine and to know when and where to refer as appropriate

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • list the symptoms and risk factors for of schizophrenia
    • describe its impact on individuals and society, including economic implications
    • discuss the difference between 1st and 2nd generation antipsychotics and clozapine
    • define treatment-resistant schizophrenia
    • list the monitoring requirements for clozapine within the UK
    • advise on how to initiate and titrate the dose of clozapine
    • list the common and potentially life-threatening side-effects and how these should be managed
    • critically evaluate the lifestyle considerations that may impact on clozapine treatment
    • understand the main service delivery models
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    Mental health

    3 hours


    To enable you to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to patients diagnosed with depression, and to know when and where to refer as appropriate.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • identify the major symptoms associated with depression in adults
    • advise on the treatment of depression in adults (NICE guideline) and of perinatal mood disorders (SIGN guideline)
    • take account of the non‑pharmacological management of depression in adults
    • list the major categories of antidepressants and describe their mode of action and side-effects
    • make recommendations for treating depression in older people and pregnant women.
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    Mental health

    2016 Updated September 2022
    3 hours


    To enable healthcare professionals to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to those patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, and to know when and where to refer as appropriate.

    Learning outcomes

    On completion of this course you should be able to:
    • describe the key symptoms of schizophrenia
    • discuss and evaluate the proposed mechanisms of action of antipsychotic medication
    • differentiate between typical and atypical antipsychotics
    • describe the side effects of antipsychotic medication and outline options for their management.
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    Zero suicide awareness training

    Mental health

    0 hours


    To provide health professionals with up-to-date facts on suicides in the UK and information on how to engage individuals in a conversation on suicide

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:

    • Describe what you can do if someone starts to talk about suicide
    • Identify warning signs in a person at risk of suicide
    • Understand the importance of being direct when dealing with a person at risk of suicide
    • Outline where to signpost people for further help
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    Minor Ailments

    2 hours


    To equip healthcare professionals to deal with CNS issues such as teething, musculoskeletal pain, headache, sleep disturbances and travel sickness.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • list possible causes of pain that respond to non-prescription medication
    • recommend appropriate analgesics for teething, musculoskeletal pain and headache using an appropriate evidence-based approach
    • consider differential diagnosis
    • identify danger symptoms, referring when appropriate
    • advise patients on the prevention and management of these condition
    • recommend non-prescription medication and lifestyle measures for insomnia and travel sickness.
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    Ears, eyes and oral health

    Minor Ailments

    2019 Updated July 2023
    3 hours


    To equip healthcare professionals to deal with conditions related to the eyes, ears and oral health.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • recognise and manage common eye conditions such as dry eyes and conjunctivitis
    • differentiate minor eye conditions from more serious eye conditions that will require referral
    • provide advice to patients on the management of ear wax and ear infections
    • recognise and manage common conditions of the mouth such as ulcers, dry mouth, oropharyngeal candidiasis and axial cheilitis
    • consider the differential diagnosis of these oral conditions
    • describe treatment options for sore throat and consider differential diagnosis
    • travel sickness.
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    Minor Ailments

    3 hours


    To equip healthcare professionals to deal with the non-prescription management of GI conditions.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • recognise the upper GI symptoms of dyspepsia, GORD and colic
    • recognise the lower GI symptoms of constipation, diarrhoea, inflammatory bowel disease and haemorrhoids
    • consider the differential diagnosis
    • identify danger symptoms, referring when appropriate
    • manage these conditions using non-prescription medication
    • advise patients on prevention and management of these conditions
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    Infections and infestations

    Minor Ailments

    4 hours


    To provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge to effectively diagnose and manage infections and infestations.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • recognise and manage common infestations such as threadworm, head lice and scabies
    • identify and treat common viral, fungal and bacterial infections of the skin and nails
    • consider differential diagnosis
    • recognise danger symptoms, referring when appropriate
    • identify symptoms of common childhood infections, providing advice and supportive therapy as required.
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    Minor Ailments

    2019 Updated July 2023
    2 hours


    To enable healthcare professionals to manage minor respiratory ailments and to recognise when referral is appropriate.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • list the symptoms associated with coughs, colds and allergic rhinitis
    • recognise when symptoms are indicative of a serious aetiology
    • provide supportive therapy to alleviate the symptoms
    • advise patients and/or carers on the management and prevention of coughs, colds and allergic rhinitis in infants, children and adults
    • detail the guidance provided by the MHRA on the use of over-the-counter cough and cold medication in children.
    Map not available


    Minor Ailments

    4 hours


    To provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge to diagnose and manage common skin conditions.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • recognise the inflammatory skin conditions of eczema, contact dermatitis (including nappy rash), psoriasis and seborrhoeic dermatitis
    • consider the differential diagnosis and management of these conditions
    • describe the treatment options and prevention of warts and verrucas
    • state the treatment options for acne and indications for referral
    • detail first-aid advice for burns and scalds
    • provide advice on the treatment and prevention of bites, stings, urticaria and sunburn.
    Map not available


    Minor Ailments

    2 hours


    To provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge to diagnose and manage common urogenital conditions.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • recognise the symptoms of cystitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, vaginal thrush, primary dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia
    • consider the differential diagnosis
    • identify danger symptoms, referring when appropriate
    • manage these conditions using non-prescription medication
    • advise patients on lifestyle measures to help manage these conditions.
    Map not available


    Musculoskeletal Disease

    3 hours

    Under review
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To provide an overview of the management of gout, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • describe the incidence, aetiology and pathophysiology of hyperuricaemia and gout
    • outline the signs and symptoms of gout and describe the guidelines and investigations used to aid diagnosis
    • critically review concurrent medication that may cause hyperuricaemia
    • discuss the current drug therapy available to treat acute and chronic gout and indicate the principles of rational drug choice in individual patients
    • identify the advice and information needs of patients that would enable them to manage their condition and medications more effectively including non-drug management of gout and lifestyle modification
    • describe the possible new drug treatments for gout
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    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Musculoskeletal Disease

    4 hours

    Under review
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To provide an overview of the management of rheumatoid arthritis, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • Describe the incidence, aetiology and pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis
    • Outline the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and describe the guidelines and investigations used to aid diagnosis
    • Discuss the current drug therapy available to treat this condition and indicate the principles of rational drug choice in individual patients
    • Understand the role of biologic and small molecule drug therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
    • Identify the advice and information needs of patients that would enable them to manage their condition and medications more effectively.
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    Part 1 - Understanding pain


    2 hours

    Although you can complete the Pain suite in any order, we suggest taking the courses in the following order:

    • Understanding pain
    • Pain management and assessment
    • Analgesics
    • Specific patient groups

    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To provide healthcare professionals with an understanding of modern approaches for effective, patient-centred pain management and promote awareness of the lived experience of people who have to live with pain daily.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • define the phenomenon of pain
    • understand the prevalence, epidemiology and impact of pain
    • explain the "Biopsychosocial model of pain" and its importance in delivering patient-centred care
    • understand the impact of pain from a patient's perspective and how it affects their quality of life
    • describe the mechanisms and pathophysiology of pain
    • understand the different pain classification systems and their significance.
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    Part 2 - Pain management and assessment


    2 hours

    Although you can complete the Pain suite in any order, we suggest taking the courses in the following order:

    • Understanding pain
    • Pain management and assessment
    • Analgesics
    • Specific patient groups

    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To help healthcare professionals understand modern patient-centred approaches to pain management frameworks, pain assessment tools and strategies for enhancing self-management skills.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • outline the NICE stepped approach for treating mild to moderate acute pain
    • understand the latest NICE guidance for treating chronic pain, encompassing primary and secondary chronic pain
    • explain NICE-recommended non-pharmacological approaches for chronic pain management
    • summarise the treatment and management of non-malignant neuropathic pain
    • discuss various approaches and tools for pain assessment
    • describe approaches to foster effective self-management of pain by patients, shared decision-making and communicating risks associated with dependence-forming medicines
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    Part 3 - Analgesics


    3 hours

    Although you can complete the Pain suite in any order, we suggest taking the courses in the following order:

    • Understanding pain
    • Pain management and assessment
    • Analgesics
    • Specific patient groups

    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To provide healthcare professionals with a better understanding of the pharmacological properties of the main analgesic drug groups and other pain treatments used in clinical practice.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • describe the pharmacological properties of the main types of analgesics used in the management of different types of pain
    • understand how to manage the risks and potential harms associated with opioids
    • recognise the signs of opioid tolerance, dependence, toxicity, withdrawal and other harms
    • explain the main safety considerations for different types of analgesics
    • discuss the use of adjuvant analgesics in pain management
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    Part 4 - Specific Groups


    2 hours

    Although you can complete the Pain suite in any order, we suggest taking the courses in the following order:

    • Understanding pain
    • Pain management and assessment
    • Analgesics
    • Specific patient groups

    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To provide healthcare professionals with a better understanding of pain management and treatment in specific patient groups such as older people, pregnant women and cancer patients.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • list the physiological factors that need considered with infants and older people when recommending analgesia
    • discuss the management of non-labour pain during pregnancy and treatment of labour pain
    • describe the analgesic options during breastfeeding
    • understand approaches to postoperative pain
    • define palliative care
    • describe the World Health Organisation's Cancer Pain Ladder and strategies for managing cancer pain
    • understand the priorities when providing end of life care.
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    End of Life Care

    Palliative Care

    2 hours


    To consider the role pharmacists have in supporting individuals in the last days of life

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • Recognise the signs that suggest a person is entering the last days of life.
    • Locate the resources available to support good end of life care.
    • Suggest medicines to support the management of symptoms that can affect patients in the last days of life.
    • Understand the principles of anticipatory prescribing.
    • Support the safe use of subcutaneous medicines to provide symptom control.
    • Provide support and reassurance to family and carers, signposting to other services accordingly.
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    high-risk medicines - Insulin

    Patient safety

    1 hours

    Under review
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To promote the safer use of insulin in clinical practice.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course you should be able to:
    • identify the errors commonly encountered with insulin
    • describe the possible clinical consequences associated with insulin
    • list the causes of medication incidents involving insulin
    • implement strategies to reduce the risks with insulin
    • safeguard patients by providing them with appropriate information about their insulin
    • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors associated with insulin
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    high-risk medicines - Opioids

    Patient safety

    2020 Updated April 2024
    1 hours

    Under review
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To promote the safer use of opioids in clinical practice.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course you should be able to:
    • list the causes of medication incidents involving opioids
    • describe the possible clinical consequences associated with opioids
    • implement strategies to reduce the risks with opioids
    • safeguard patients by providing them with appropriate information about their opioids
    • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors associated with opioids
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    high-risk medicines - Oral anticoagulants

    Patient safety

    2018 Updated August 2023
    2 hours

    Under review
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To promote the safer use of oral anticoagulants in clinical practice.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • list the causes of medication incidents involving oral anticoagulants
    • describe the possible clinical consequences associated with oral anticoagulants
    • implement strategies to reduce the risks with oral anticoagulants
    • safeguard patients by providing them with appropriate information about oral anticoagulants
    • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors associated with oral anticoagulants
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    medical calculations

    Patient safety

    2014 Updated 2014
    3 hours


    To increase confidence in accurately performing different types of medicines-related calculations commonly encountered in the clinical setting.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course you should be able to:
    • undertake the conversion of units of mass and volume from smaller or larger units and vice versa
    • express the concentration of a solution in terms of quantity per volume, percentage concentrations and parts
    • dilute a stock solution to the particular strength needed for patient use
    • calculate the dose of a drug accurately for intravenous infusion, intravenous bolus dosing and oral administration.
    Map not available

    medication incidents

    Patient safety

    2014 Updated June 2022
    3 hours

    Under review
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To promote the safer use of medicines in clinical practice through a better understanding of why medication incidents happen.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course you should be able to:
    • define what is meant by a medication incident
    • describe medication-related errors and their impact on the health service
    • promote the reporting and investigating of medication incidents as a means to improving patient safety
    • identify the causes of errors and medication incidents in practice
    • list the role and functions of the organisations established to reduce risk
    • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors.
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    medicine prescription and administration record

    Patient safety

    2 hours


    To familiarise all clinical staff with the Northern Ireland medicine prescription and administration record for adults.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course you should be able to:
    • record patient information, including allergy status, risk factors, additional charts used and medicines management issues
    • undertake the venous thromboembolism risk assessment for hospitalised adults
    • document the prescribing and discontinuation of injectable, non-injectable and as required medicines
    • adopt a consistent approach to documenting medicines that are to be administered less than once per day
    • record the administration of medicines accurately
    • document doses that have been omitted and the reason for omission
    • prescribe oxygen in accordance with the NPSA recommendations and BTS guidelines.
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    Answering medicines-related questions in practice

    Pharmacy practice

    2017 Updated October 2022
    2 hours


    To equip individuals with the skills to gather information and formulate an answer that is evidence-based, relevant and focused on improving patient outcomes when dealing with medicine- related questions in practice.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • identify essential information required to answer a medicines-related question
    • assess a medicines-related question using appropriate information resources
    • understand the principles of formulating a question answer and apply to practice examples.
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    Aseptic Processing Programme

    Pharmacy practice

    2018 Updated June 2019
    8 hours


    The aim of this course is to introduce the trainee to the concepts of aseptic dispensing.

    Learning outcomes

    On completion of this course you should be able to:
    • discuss the key documents and legislation relevant to aseptic processing
    • describe the products that are typically dispensed aseptically
    • describe the environmental issues which must be considered when dealing with aseptic products
    • discuss aseptic dispensing processes and techniques.
    Map not available

    Consultation skills

    Pharmacy practice

    2015 Updated 2023
    4 hours


    To support healthcare professionals to develop their consultation skills with patients, integrating a patient-centred approach.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course you should be able to:
    • appreciate the concepts of patient-centred care and medicines optimisation and their impact on adherence
    • identify the communication skills needed in any patient consultation
    • build relationships and communicate effectively with patients using appropriate questions, verbal and non-verbal communication
    • identify and use appropriately a model for a medication-related consultation
    • identify and use appropriately a model for a public health related consultation
    • signpost to the GP Consultation Observation Tool (COT) and the modified consultation model (MR-CAT)
    • evaluate your consultation skills in a practice setting.
    Map not available


    Pharmacy practice

    2 hours


    The aim of this course is to prepare your community pharmacy for a cyber incident, by ensuring the safe storage and secure management of professional and commercial information.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • list five steps that can improve cyber security in your community pharmacy
    • identify what data to back up and how to do this
    • protect your pharmacy systems from malware
    • recognise sources of phishing attacks and the steps to avoid these
    • implement security measures to protect mobile devices used in your pharmacy
    • implement password protection to secure your data
    • plan your response to a cyber incident.
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    Health Literacy

    Pharmacy practice

    2020 Updated February 2022
    2 hours


    To raise awareness of health literacy and highlight the role of pharmacy professionals working in community pharmacy in providing health information and services

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • describe health literacy and its relevance to community pharmacy
    • recognise the link between health literacy and health inequalities and the impact of social conditions on people’s health
    • identify and address low health literacy levels in a pharmacy context
    • identify and use practical communication techniques to address low health literacy
    • analyse what you can do in your pharmacy to improve health literacy and have a positive impact on health and wellbeing.
    Map not available

    Managing medicines in older people

    Pharmacy practice

    2017 Updated 2017
    12 hours

    Updated course anticipated 2025
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To assist healthcare professionals (HCPs) in maintaining and enhancing the quality of care and services provided for older patients.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • discuss the ageing process, frailty and the impact on drug therapy
    • describe the general guidelines for prescribing for older patients
    • list and describe the common medication-related problems experienced by older patients
    • appreciate the importance of medicines optimisation and medication review in this patient group
    • provide practical advice to support independence in older people
    Map not available


    Pharmacy practice

    1 hours


    The aim of this course is to supplement HSC training available to Community Pharmacists and support them in decision making relating to accessing NIECR.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • Understand what the NIECR is and the policy context behind using NIECR in community pharmacy
    • Outline NIECR access in a community pharmacy setting (RBAC) and what that access entails
    • Describe how NIECR can be used in community pharmacy practice for direct patient care
    • Appreciate the responsibilities associated with protecting patient-sensitive information and the consequences of inappropriate NIECR access
    • Locate resources that will assist in the practicalities of using NIECR
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    Pharmaceutical care of people with dementia

    Pharmacy practice

    10 hours


    To equip learners to deliver an effective service to patients with dementia, and to their families and carers.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • define dementia and its subtypes
    • identify any risk factors for dementia and describe what action can be taken to help prevent or slow progression of the disease
    • describe the early symptoms of dementia and its differential diagnoses
    • outline the screening and diagnostic process for confirmation of dementia
    • discuss the pharmacology, side-effects, contra-indications, cautions, drug interactions and monitoring requirements for drugs use in the treatment of dementia
    • understand the progression of dementia and the most common behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and the use of psychoactive medication to treat this
    • appreciate the importance of interacting with the person in a person-centred way
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    Care Homes

    Pharmacy services

    2018 Updated September 2022
    10 hours


    To equip pharmacists with the knowledge and skills to provide pharmaceutical services to care homes.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • detail the different types of care home and resident groups within homes
    • describe the legislation and bodies governing care home services
    • explain the role of the pharmacist in care homes
    • offer advice on the use and control of medicines, including medicines management, record keeping, medicines storage and administration
    • identify and address the training, advice and information needs of care home staff.
    Map not available


    Pharmacy services

    2015 Updated October 2022
    3 hours


    To support HCPs in improving patient adherence, whilst integrating a patient-centred approach.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course you should be able to:
    • appreciate the concepts of patient-centred care and medicines optimisation and their impact on adherence
    • differentiate between the terms compliance, concordance and adherence
    • identify the implications of and the factors affecting non-adherence
    • differentiate between indirect and direct methods of measuring adherence
    • understand the approach that should be adopted when questioning patients about their medication-taking behaviour
    • outline the 4Es and how they can be used to improve adherence
    • appreciate your role in shared decision-making and maintaining adherence.
    Map not available

    patient medication review and record

    Pharmacy services

    2018 Updated November 2018
    10 hours


    The course aims to outline how pharmacists can get the maximum value from their PMR system and so enable them to enhance their care for patients.

    Learning outcomes

    On completion of this course you should be able to:
    • Describe how PMRs contribute to the improvement of patient care
    • Identify situations where PMRs can help you to work with other health professionals
    • Explain medication review and how this is a key component of future roles for pharmacists
    • Produce a Standard Operating Procedure for using a PMR system
    • Plan a staff training programme on PMRs and medication review.
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    Pharmacy First Pilot Service for the Treatment of Shingles

    Pharmacy services

    1 hours


    To equip pharmacists with the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to conduct effective consultations, communicate clearly, perform clinical assessments, and provide appropriate treatments for shingles as part of the Pharmacy First Pilot service.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • define the common symptoms and management of shingles
    • describe differential diagnoses for shingles
    • identify possible complications of shingles and when a referral is appropriate
    • discuss appropriate evidence-based treatments and self-care advice for shingles
    Map not available

    Benzodiazepine reduction

    Prescriber support

    2014 Updated 2023
    3 hours


    To enable pharmacist prescribers to effectively manage benzodiazepine reduction and withdrawal in primary care.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this workshop you should be able to:
    • describe the mechanism of action of the bezodiazepines
    • state the extent of benzodiazepine prescribing in Northern Ireland
    • explain the implications of long-term benzodiazepine use for patients
    • highlight the range of evidence-based models available for benzodiazepine reduction
    • list the challenges specific to undertaking this role within primary care.
    Map not available


    Public health

    2018 Updated June 2022
    4 hours


    To enable you to provide evidence-based advice to breastfeeding mothers and those who are wanting to breastfeed

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • understand the benefits of breastfeeding
    • identify common issues encountered in practice relating to breastfeeding
    • provide accurate and safe information to breastfeeding mothers on the use of medicines in breastfeeding
    • promote the role of pharmacists in supporting breastfeeding mothers
    • signpost to relevant sources of help for breastfeeding mothers in Northern Ireland.
    Map not available

    brief interventions

    Public health

    2017 Updated 2017
    2 hours

    Spring 2024
    Note. you can still complete this course.


    To equip healthcare professionals (HCPs) with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver an effective brief interventions in practice.

    Learning outcomes

    Following completion of this course you should be able to:
    • define what is meant by a brief intervention
    • apply the model of behaviour change to your practice
    • outline the principles of effective communication
    • raise the subjects of smoking, alcohol consumption or physical inactivity with patients in routine practice and record intervention in patient notes
    • assess patient/clients for risk and their motivation to change
    • advise on the risks to health posed by smoking, alcohol and physical inactivity
    • assist patients/clients by signposting and providing additional information sources.
    Map not available

    emergency contraception

    Public health

    4 hours


    To enable you to provide a high quality service to patients who request emergency contraception, signposting them to other healthcare professionals where appropriate.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • discuss the various methods of emergency contraception available
    • provide guidance to patients about emergency contraception and their sexual health
    • detail the key questions to ask in relation to requests for over-the-counter levonorgestrel
    • know which reference sources provide valuable evidence-based information on emergency contraception.
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    Infection prevention and control (COVID-19)

    Public health

    2 hours


    To provide an overview of the key requirements for infection prevention and control to protect against COVID-19 within a community pharmacy setting.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • implement systems to ensure appropriate infection prevention and control (IPC) procedures are in place against COVID-19
    • understand when personal protective equipment is required to be worn as protection against COVID-19
    • identify the correct hand hygiene measures that should be followed in preventing the spread of COVID-19
    • implement appropriate cleaning and disinfection to decontaminate the community pharmacy environment to prevent the spread of COVID-19
    • understand IPC measures required when carrying out core pharmacy services and additional services depending on type of patient contact
    • know which resources to access for further information.
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    Sexual health

    Public health

    10 hours


    To enable healthcare professionals to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to patients on the management of their sexual health.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • enhance your understanding of sexual health and the potential implications of poor sexual health
    • be aware of the prevalence of STIs, HIV and teenage pregnancies within the UK and NI
    • increase your understanding of the management of common STIs, including HIV
    • consider your role in undertaking a sexual health assessment, and in providing advice and appropriate referral to specialist services.
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    Visual Awareness

    Public health

    0.5 hours


    To provide health professionals with general information on sight loss

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • understand the practical and emotional impact of sight loss
    • have an overview of the sight loss context in Northern Ireland
    • provide information on Eye Care Liaison Officers (ECLOs) and support available to patients
    • outline how to refer to the ECLO Service
    • understand visual acuity and certification
    • outline a number of prevalent sight loss conditions
    • discuss the principles of sighted guiding
    • improve your practice and communication with blind and partially sighted patients
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    Weight Management for Adults

    Public health

    2015 Updated October 2023
    2 hours


    To provide pharmacists and technicians with up-to-date facts on weight gain, its risks and impact on public health and develop the skills necessary to advise patients, measure weight, and effectively design and implement a weight management programme.

    Learning outcomes

    On completion of this course you should be able to:
    • identify the main causes of and conditions associated with being overweight
    • provide advice to patients on the role of a healthy diet and physical activity in preventing and managing weight gain
    • measure and categorise overweightness and/or obesity
    • use motivational techniques to motivate patients to change
    • design and implement a weight management service for individuals in your community
    Map not available


    Respiratory disease

    6 hours


    To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients suffering from asthma

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • outline the morbidity, mortality and economic impact of asthma
    • identify the risk factors associated with developing asthma
    • review the underlying pathophysiology
    • effectively monitor patients
    • describe best practice in managing adults and children with asthma
    • provide advice regarding non-pharmacological management
    • promote self-management by patients
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    Respiratory disease

    4 hours


    To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective evidence-based care for patients suffering from COPD.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • outline the clinical presentation of COPD
    • list the factors contributing to its development
    • describe its morbidity, mortality and economic impact
    • state the under underlying pathophysiology of COPD
    • specify diagnostic criteria and appropriate investigations
    • critically review the evidence-based for managing COPD and its complications
    • identify your role in improving the care of this patient group.
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    inhaler devices

    Respiratory disease

    2 hours


    o enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients requiring inhalation therapy for the management of asthma and COPD.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • outline the range of inhaler devices currently available for use in treating asthma and COPD
    • list and describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of inhaler devices
    • demonstrate the correct use of each of these devices
    • advise on the use of spacer devices where appropriate
    • provide advice regarding the most appropriate inhaler device for a particular patient group.
    Map not available


    Respiratory disease

    2015 Updated December 2023
    2 hours


    To enable pharmacists to advise on the use of drugs available for nebulisation in asthma and COPD and provide advice to respiratory patients.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • list the drugs available for nebulisation in asthma and COPD
    • outline the indications for nebuliser therapy in asthma and COPD
    • describe the different types of nebuliser available
    • advise on the use and maintenance of nebulising equipment.
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    Respiratory disease

    2016 Updated July 2023
    3 hours


    To provide information on oxygen therapy and to educate patients on the safe use of oxygen.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • describe the methods available for delivery of oxygen
    • list the indications for oxygen therapy in both asthma and COPD
    • describe the equipment associated with oxygen therapy, including masks, nasal cannulae and types of oxygen supply
    • educate patients on the safe use, care and hazards associated with oxygen therapy.
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    Women's health

    4 hours


    To enable you to provide evidence-based information to patients seeking contraception.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • describe the menstrual cycle
    • list the types of contraception currently available, along with associated benefits and risks
    • detail significant interactions with contraceptives and other medication
    • explain the principles of natural family planning
    • appreciate the role of the pharmacist in assisting patients with contraceptive choices.
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    menopause management

    Women's health

    4 hours


    To enable you to provide evidence-based medical advice to women experiencing the menopause.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • recognise the symptoms experienced by women around the time of the menopause
    • identify patients who may benefit from hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
    • recognise the different types of HRT available and their appropriateness for individual patients
    • provide advice to patients on the risks and contra-indications to HRT
    • raise awareness of alternatives to HRT therapy and self-help techniques for managing menopausal symptoms.
    Map not available

    menstrual disorders

    Women's health

    2 hours


    To enable you to provide evidence-based information to patients requiring assistance with menstrual disorders.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • describe the menstrual cycle
    • identify the main menstrual disorders
    • differentiate between the various forms of menstrual disorders
    • specify prescription and non-prescription medication that may be used to alleviate specific menstrual disorders according to best evidence
    • provide advice on lifestyle modification that can assist with the management of menstrual disorders.
    Map not available


    Women's health

    4 hours


    To enable you to provide evidence-based medical advice to pregnant women and those who are wanting to become pregnant.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course you should be able to:
    • discuss the problems associated with fertility
    • explain the management of chronic medical conditions in pregnancy
    • specify suitable products (prescription-only and over-the-counter preparations) that may be used to treat established medical conditions and common ailments during pregnancy
    • highlight the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the use of appropriate nutritional supplements prior to conception and during pregnancy.
    Map not available

    urogenital conditions

    Women's health

    4 hours


    To enable you to provide evidence-based medical advice to women experiencing urogenital conditions.

    Learning outcomes

    Having completed this course, you should be able to:
    • diagnose the condition cystitis
    • suggest appropriate options for the treatment of cystitis
    • differentiate between the various conditions that can result in abnormal vaginal discharge
    • explain the management of conditions associated with abnormal vaginal discharge
    • recognise the role of the pharmacist in educating women on the treatment and prevention of common urogenital conditions.
    Map not available