To familiarise healthcare professionals with the antibacterial agents commonly encountered in clinical practice.
To enable healthcare professionals to diagnose and manage common infections.
To know the range of factors that must be considered when selecting an antimicrobial agent
To familiarise healthcare professionals with the actions and use of commonly encountered antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal agents.
To enable healthcare professionals to understand the impact of antimicrobial resistance and to assist with halting the spread of resistance and Clostriodes difficile.
To provide an overview of sepsis, thus enabling pharmacists to identify patients presenting with symptoms in the community and to refer them appropriately.
To enable pharmacists to adhere to the principles of antimicrobial stewardship and to successfully promote it.
To provide an overview of the management of acute coronary syndromes, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to manage patients with this condition.
To equip learners with the knowledge to deliver a safe and supportive service to patients prescribed anticoagulants.
To enable you to provide evidence-based information to patients in primary care who have a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF).
To promote effective management of hypertension and dyslipidaemia, thereby assisting patients to reduce their risk of CVD.
To provide an overview of the management of chronic heart failure, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.
To provide an overview of the management of stable angina, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.
To equip pharmacy professionals with an understanding of a clinical environment and the roles within this environment.
To provide individuals with the tools to mentor effectively.
To equip individuals with the knowledge required to provide effective workplace training.
To provide a Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) with an overview of the Pharmacist Independent Prescribing programme and their role in mentoring a pharmacist.
To provide a general overview of the condition, diabetes mellitus.
To understand the impact of diabetes in pregnancy and appropriate management strategies.
To be able to recognise and appropriately manage a diabetic emergency.
To be able to effectively monitor control of the condition for those with diabetes.
To prevent the development of long-term complications of diabetes or manage them should they occur.
To be able to effectively assist patients with type 1 diabetes in managing their blood glucose.
To be able to effectively assist patients with type 2 diabetes in managing their blood glucose.
To understand the risk factors for diabetes and the likelihood of developing the condition.
To increase awareness of EDI principles, as well as anti-discrimination and human rights legislation relevant to Northern Ireland, to help pharmacists, pharmacy trainees and pharmacy technicians consider how to provide culturally inclusive and patient-centred care.
To increase awareness about effectively engaging and communicating with individuals from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
To raise awareness and improve understanding of neurodivergence among pharmacists, technicians, trainees and educational supervisors and to enable them to create inclusive and supportive environments, reduce stigma and promote acceptance of neurodivergence within pharmacy healthcare, workplaces and training settings.
To enhance awareness and understanding of gender identity and LGBTQIA+ issues among pharmacists, supervisors, trainees, and technicians, empowering them to foster inclusive and supportive environments, reduce stigma and encourage acceptance within workplace and training settings.
To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for people with colorectal cancer.
To enable healthcare professionals to understand what a diagnosis of diverticular disease entails for the patient.
To examine the symptoms and causes presenting as dyspepsia, emphasising a cost-effective and evidence-based approach to treatment and using prescribed and non-prescription medication to ensure optimal outcomes.
To recognise disorders that are manifested by alteration in normal bowel functioning.
To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.
To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients with stomas.
To provide an overview of common biochemical, liver and renal function tests used in practice
To provide an overview of the principles of IV fluid therapy, thus equipping pharmacists with the knowledge and skills to review and advise on IV fluid prescribing
To enable pharmacists to interpret tests pertaining to the red blood cell component of blood and advise on appropriate therapies.
To review the implications of the Fourth Report of the Shipman Inquiry, focusing specifically on the prescribing, dispensing, safe custody and disposal of controlled drugs.
To understand and apply the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and associated relevant legislation/guidance on data protection
To provide an overview of the application of the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) to practice
To outline the responsible pharmacist regulations, highlighting the impact of the regulations on professional practice.
To enable you to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to patients with anxiety disorders.
To enable you to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to those patients diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder, and to know when and where to refer as appropriate.
To enable healthcare professionals to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to those patients prescribed clozapine and to know when and where to refer as appropriate
To enable you to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to patients diagnosed with depression, and to know when and where to refer as appropriate.
To enable healthcare professionals to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to those patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, and to know when and where to refer as appropriate.
To provide health professionals with up-to-date facts on suicides in the UK and information on how to engage individuals in a conversation on suicide
Having completed this course you should be able to:
To equip healthcare professionals to deal with CNS issues such as teething, musculoskeletal pain, headache, sleep disturbances and travel sickness.
To equip healthcare professionals to deal with conditions related to the eyes, ears and oral health.
To equip healthcare professionals to deal with the non-prescription management of GI conditions.
To provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge to effectively diagnose and manage infections and infestations.
To enable healthcare professionals to manage minor respiratory ailments and to recognise when referral is appropriate.
To provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge to diagnose and manage common skin conditions.
To provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge to diagnose and manage common urogenital conditions.
To provide an overview of the management of gout, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.
To provide an overview of the management of rheumatoid arthritis, thus equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive medicines management service to patients with this condition.
To provide healthcare professionals with an understanding of modern approaches for effective, patient-centred pain management and promote awareness of the lived experience of people who have to live with pain daily.
To help healthcare professionals understand modern patient-centred approaches to pain management frameworks, pain assessment tools and strategies for enhancing self-management skills.
To provide healthcare professionals with a better understanding of the pharmacological properties of the main analgesic drug groups and other pain treatments used in clinical practice.
To provide healthcare professionals with a better understanding of pain management and treatment in specific patient groups such as older people, pregnant women and cancer patients.
To consider the role pharmacists have in supporting individuals in the last days of life
To promote the safer use of insulin in clinical practice.
To promote the safer use of opioids in clinical practice.
To promote the safer use of oral anticoagulants in clinical practice.
To increase confidence in accurately performing different types of medicines-related calculations commonly encountered in the clinical setting.
To promote the safer use of medicines in clinical practice through a better understanding of why medication incidents happen.
To familiarise all clinical staff with the Northern Ireland medicine prescription and administration record for adults.
To equip individuals with the skills to gather information and formulate an answer that is evidence-based, relevant and focused on improving patient outcomes when dealing with medicine- related questions in practice.
The aim of this course is to introduce the trainee to the concepts of aseptic dispensing.
To support healthcare professionals to develop their consultation skills with patients, integrating a patient-centred approach.
The aim of this course is to prepare your community pharmacy for a cyber incident, by ensuring the safe storage and secure management of professional and commercial information.
To raise awareness of health literacy and highlight the role of pharmacy professionals working in community pharmacy in providing health information and services
To assist healthcare professionals (HCPs) in maintaining and enhancing the quality of care and services provided for older patients.
The aim of this course is to supplement HSC training available to Community Pharmacists and support them in decision making relating to accessing NIECR.
To equip learners to deliver an effective service to patients with dementia, and to their families and carers.
To equip pharmacists with the knowledge and skills to provide pharmaceutical services to care homes.
To support HCPs in improving patient adherence, whilst integrating a patient-centred approach.
The course aims to outline how pharmacists can get the maximum value from their PMR system and so enable them to enhance their care for patients.
To equip pharmacists with the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to conduct effective consultations, communicate clearly, perform clinical assessments, and provide appropriate treatments for shingles as part of the Pharmacy First Pilot service.
To enable pharmacist prescribers to effectively manage benzodiazepine reduction and withdrawal in primary care.
To enable you to provide evidence-based advice to breastfeeding mothers and those who are wanting to breastfeed
To equip healthcare professionals (HCPs) with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver an effective brief interventions in practice.
To enable you to provide a high quality service to patients who request emergency contraception, signposting them to other healthcare professionals where appropriate.
To provide an overview of the key requirements for infection prevention and control to protect against COVID-19 within a community pharmacy setting.
To enable healthcare professionals to provide evidence-based pharmaceutical care to patients on the management of their sexual health.
To provide health professionals with general information on sight loss
To provide pharmacists and technicians with up-to-date facts on weight gain, its risks and impact on public health and develop the skills necessary to advise patients, measure weight, and effectively design and implement a weight management programme.
To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients suffering from asthma
To enable healthcare professionals to provide effective evidence-based care for patients suffering from COPD.
o enable healthcare professionals to provide effective care for patients requiring inhalation therapy for the management of asthma and COPD.
To enable pharmacists to advise on the use of drugs available for nebulisation in asthma and COPD and provide advice to respiratory patients.
To provide information on oxygen therapy and to educate patients on the safe use of oxygen.
To enable you to provide evidence-based information to patients seeking contraception.
To enable you to provide evidence-based medical advice to women experiencing the menopause.
To enable you to provide evidence-based information to patients requiring assistance with menstrual disorders.
To enable you to provide evidence-based medical advice to pregnant women and those who are wanting to become pregnant.
To enable you to provide evidence-based medical advice to women experiencing urogenital conditions.