Open learning

Electrolytes, liver and kidney function tests

Laboratory tests

2019 Updated 01/06/2022
8 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 1 January 1970


To provide an overview of common biochemical, liver and renal function tests used in practice

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • identify normal serum electrolyte levels
  • explain the function of different electrolytes in the body
  • outline possible consequences of abnormal electrolyte levels
  • describe common liver function tests (LFTs)
  • understand commonly used renal function tests.
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Controlled drugs - striking a balance


2016 Updated 01/07/2022
8 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 4 December 2023


To review the implications of the Fourth Report of the Shipman Inquiry, focusing specifically on the prescribing, dispensing, safe custody and disposal of controlled drugs.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to:
  • comply with legislation underpinning controlled drugs
  • state changes in the legislative framework for controlled drugs arising from the Fourth Shipman Report
  • review the role and responsibilities of the Accountable Officer in relation to controlled drugs
  • list the non-medical professions who may now prescribe
  • describe best practice with respect to writing of prescriptions, keeping of records and maintaining prescription security for controlled drugs in all areas of practice
  • define procedures for the disposal of returned controlled drugs.
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Data Protection


2018 Updated 01/11/2021
2 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 4 December 2023


To understand and apply the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and associated relevant legislation/guidance on data protection

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to:
  • outline the Caldicott principles
  • explain the common terms used in data protection
  • state the principles of the UK GDPR
  • detail the rights individuals have over how their personal data is used
  • describe what is meant by a data breach
  • identify potential areas of security breaches
  • list the actions that should be undertaken in the event of a data breach.
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The responsible pharmacist


2013 Updated 23/01/2023
3 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 4 December 2023


To outline the responsible pharmacist regulations, highlighting the impact of the regulations on professional practice.

Learning outcomes

Having completed this course you should be able to;
  • describe the role of the responsible pharmacist
  • explain the law in relation to the responsibilities of the responsible pharmacist
  • understand the requirements of the professional standards and regulatory guidance for responsible pharmacists
  • access further information and resources to support the implementation of the responsible pharmacist regulations.
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high-risk medicines - Insulin

Patient safety

1 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 9 October 2023

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To promote the safer use of insulin in clinical practice.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course you should be able to:
  • identify the errors commonly encountered with insulin
  • describe the possible clinical consequences associated with insulin
  • list the causes of medication incidents involving insulin
  • implement strategies to reduce the risks with insulin
  • safeguard patients by providing them with appropriate information about their insulin
  • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors associated with insulin
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high-risk medicines - Opioids

Patient safety

2020 Updated April 2024
1 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 9 October 2023

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To promote the safer use of opioids in clinical practice.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course you should be able to:
  • list the causes of medication incidents involving opioids
  • describe the possible clinical consequences associated with opioids
  • implement strategies to reduce the risks with opioids
  • safeguard patients by providing them with appropriate information about their opioids
  • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors associated with opioids
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high-risk medicines - Oral anticoagulants

Patient safety

2018 Updated 18/08/2023
2 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 9 October 2023

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To promote the safer use of oral anticoagulants in clinical practice.

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this course you should be able to:
  • list the causes of medication incidents involving oral anticoagulants
  • describe the possible clinical consequences associated with oral anticoagulants
  • implement strategies to reduce the risks with oral anticoagulants
  • safeguard patients by providing them with appropriate information about oral anticoagulants
  • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors associated with oral anticoagulants
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medical calculations

Patient safety

2014 Updated 2014
3 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 4 September 2023


To increase confidence in accurately performing different types of medicines-related calculations commonly encountered in the clinical setting.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course you should be able to:
  • undertake the conversion of units of mass and volume from smaller or larger units and vice versa
  • express the concentration of a solution in terms of quantity per volume, percentage concentrations and parts
  • dilute a stock solution to the particular strength needed for patient use
  • calculate the dose of a drug accurately for intravenous infusion, intravenous bolus dosing and oral administration.
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medication incidents

Patient safety

2014 Updated 01/06/2022
3 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 9 October 2023

Under review
Note. you can still complete this course.


To promote the safer use of medicines in clinical practice through a better understanding of why medication incidents happen.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course you should be able to:
  • define what is meant by a medication incident
  • describe medication-related errors and their impact on the health service
  • promote the reporting and investigating of medication incidents as a means to improving patient safety
  • identify the causes of errors and medication incidents in practice
  • list the role and functions of the organisations established to reduce risk
  • promote staff education and safe systems of practice as effective means of reducing medication errors.
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patient medication review and record

Pharmacy services

2018 Updated 01/11/2018
10 hours
FTY deadline for MCQs 26 August 2021


The course aims to outline how pharmacists can get the maximum value from their PMR system and so enable them to enhance their care for patients.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course you should be able to:
  • Describe how PMRs contribute to the improvement of patient care
  • Identify situations where PMRs can help you to work with other health professionals
  • Explain medication review and how this is a key component of future roles for pharmacists
  • Produce a Standard Operating Procedure for using a PMR system
  • Plan a staff training programme on PMRs and medication review.
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